Am using the mix method approach, I just want to know if it is Necessary to include an observation sheet to an ethical clearance since My last email to my supervisor wasn’t attended to.
In my opinion, you have to include the observational guide. This is based on the fact that the members of the ethics committee will be judging your proposal and if you have mentioned that you will be conducting structured or unstructured observations, then an observational guide will help the evaluators to judge (1) how sound and appropriate the process will be and (2) the ethical soundness of the observational process and what you will be observing.
I don't see any problem with including the observation sheet, and it is better to be "safe than sorry." that way, you can avoid having them with hold their approval until they get the observation sheet for a further review.
i suggest that the observation sheet is include the research is to evidence the research idea and problems to explain your research ethic committee(or) research committee. when you include the observation sheet in your research automatically the potential inputs and research abilities are come day by day.
Yes I agree - you need to be transparent in the tools you are using so that the ethical procedures can be assessed by an ethics committee and so that the participants are fully informed when they give their consent to be involved in the research.