Nuclear Physics: Semi empirical mass formula for ever?

One of the pioneering models (~1930) of nuclear physics is the well known liquid drop model, also called the semi-empirical mass formula, or Bethe -Weizsäcker formula. Since its inception, this model has undergone 3 main improvements with the introduction of the nuclear deformation (deformed nuclei), the introduction of pairing and the introduction of the shell correction due to the magic numbers. At present there are powerful versions of this model for evaluating the binding energy with appreciable precision (that can "compete and even beat" more elaborated models) .

The question is the following: how, with the progress (both experimental and theoretical) of current nuclear physics (such as the standard model, the Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) theory, the Higgs Boson, the BCS model, the HARTREE-FOCK BOGOLIUBOV (HFB) model, the relativistic mean field theory , the interacting bosons model (IBM), the Nuclear Shell Model, etc ...) it is amazing to find that such an old and simple model still has always its place among these so elaborated and so complicated new theories?

Normally, such a rudimentary model should not resist the new "armada of theoretical tools" in the nuclear theory. This old and simple model remains a formidable efficiency concerning the nuclear binding energy, fission barriers and many other questions. Why?

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