I calculated reaction rate of S-32 using MCNP f4 tally with fm card. I want to normalize my result to dps/atom/source to suit experimental result. Experimental documents reported Source strength and mass g/cm3 of S-33.
I believe you are trying to get Bq/g of S-33. I don't have a S-32 case, but here is an example of a NaCl case where I am looking for the Bq/g of Na-24 using an FM tally. To get Bq/g of S-33, multiple the reaction rate for S-32(n, gamma) by the decay constant and divide by the density of the sulfur pellet.
C Summary of MatMCNP Calculations:
C Isotope Number Fraction Weight Fraction Atoms/b-cm
C Na-23 0.5000000 0.3933741 0.0223605
C Cl-35 0.3788500 0.4533669 0.0169425
C Cl-37 0.1211500 0.1532590 0.0054179
C The total compound atom density (atom/b-cm): 0.04472100