17 March 2024 5 10K Report

Originally, I intended to conduct independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA in SPSS for analysing my data. However, when I examined the normality of the dependent variable (DV) for checking their assumptions, it showed that my DV is highly skewed as the attached photo.

My DV is measured through an open-ended question and it is a continuous variable about participants’ predictions of the duration of an emotion, ranging from 0 to almost 300 unit. Sample size is around 1000.

Since the normality assumption is violated, I am wondering:

  • Whether I should conduct (1) nonparametric tests instead (e.g. Mann-Whitney u test and Kruskal-Wallis H test) or (2) a generalised linear model (which allows for the DV to have a non-normal distribution) by specifying the model as gamma with log link instead? Or (3) conduct both but when reporting the results, I say something like “because the results are similar, I will only report the parametric ones” (which is the generalised linear model)?
  • I am also interested in examining the moderating effect of a categorical variable on the relationship between a continuous IV and a DV. Therefore, even if the answer to question 1 is "conducting non-parametric tests", I still would like to know whether I can perform the generalised linear model and examine the interaction of the IV and moderator, even my DV is not normally distributed?
  • Thank you in advance for your advice.

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