Hello everyone,

I am trying to construct a vector in order to study promoter activity with YFP reporter gene. The final vector is going tobe injected in insects.

The cloning strategy is based on the use of FseI and AscI, so until now I have managed to clone the YFP marker (1kb) with FseI and AscI cut sites in my backbone vector (6.5kb).

First of all I selected the right colonies which carry the YFP BUT when I tried to propagate in DH5a cells only 1 colony out of 5 yielded high concentration of plasmid. For the propagation I have used columns of Mancherey Nagel kit. The rest of the colonies gave around 30ng/ul. However I did not face this problem when I did not use columns and I used the ethanol precipitation protocol. CAN ANYBODY EXPLAIN THIS WEIRD PHENOMENON?


I have continued the cloning in order to clone the promoter of interest (2kb ) in the vector-YFP (7.5kb) with a typical cloning strategy. BUT i did no obtain any colonies at all. Even in the negative control which was cut with one cutter (FseI) without depshosporylation.

The ligation reagents are working since I had a positive control of another plasmid without YFP of the same size digested with FseI alone and this plasmid was religated since I had colonies on my plate.

Please any feedback on this problem will be helpful.

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