I am using Network software of Fluxus-engineering but I have struggled to do this. I don't know how to add geographic regions and haplotype frequency of each countries also. Does anyone know how to add? Please give me suggestion.
A phylogenetic network or reticulation is any graph used to visualize evolutionary relationships (either abstractly or explicitly)[1]between nucleotide sequences, genes, chromosomes, genomes, or species.[2] They are employed when reticulation events such as hybridization, horizontal gene transfer, recombination, or gene duplication and loss are believed to be involved. They differ from phylogenetic trees by the explicit modeling of richly linked networks, by means of the addition of hybrid nodes (nodes with two parents) instead of only tree nodes (a hierarchy of nodes, each with only one parent).[3] Phylogenetic trees are a subset of phylogenetic networks. Phylogenetic networks can be inferred and visualised with software such as SplitsTree[4] and, more recently, Dendroscope. A standard format for representing phylogenetic networks is a variant of Newick format which is extended to support networks as well as trees.[5]