I am trying to measure bond level information as a function of depth (argon ion milling) on fused silica (SiO2) sample with features on the sample at micron size. I have previously had good success with measuring chemically similar samples with features that such that the analyzed site is nominally smooth. The high surface area of the micron-size features is causing a significant amount of charging to the extent that I cannot consistently get useful data.
Some important info:
-Neutralizer is already maxed out
-I am etching about as slow as I possibly can, with rest intervals after etching about 5 minutes before analyzing.
-Pass energy is currently at 160
-Changing the angle is unlikely to effect results based on feature type
-I can't disclose all elements I'm analyzing, but suffice to say Si and O peaks are present
-Peaks are shifting greater than 10 eV up in Binding Energy, even larger sometimes later in the run. Normal peak shift for 5 mm sample after many etching cycles is no greater than 1-2 eV.
Any fundamental strategies that I'm missing or relevant papers would be greatly appreciated. From the few papers that I've seen doing similar studies, it seems possible but the relevant methods are always scarce on details.