Hola, no tengo una guia en digital a mano, pero puedes consultar en el libro de Demetrio Bostoskoy del los años 1988 y 1999. Boltovskoy, E. 1981. Atlas del Atlántico Sudoccidental y métodos de trabajo con el zooplancton marino. Pub. INIDEP. Mar del Plata-Argentina. 936 pp.
Boltovskoy D. 1999. South Atlantic zooplankton. Backhuys Publisher.Leiden, the Netherlands. pp.621-647.Saludos
Edward Rice: Thanks for your reply, I collected the sample on september 2016 at Muttukadu coast, chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Here after I'll forward the dorsal or ventral pictures.
There is no doubt that your images are of Acartia, but it is difficult to accurately identify them from images, as there are several species that they could be. However, the large projections on the posterior prosome narrows down the possibilities. They could be Acartia danae, but download the attached link, or Google the guide to the zooplankton of the western Indian Ocean that I did and compare the species on pages 111-114 with your specimens.