Hello people
I am using HEMATOXYLIN QS (H-3404) from Vector Laboratories for nuclear counterstaining of mice tissues. Unfortunately, in my case this ematoxylin is so strong that removes or covers the brown staining of the DAB. The protocol is the following:
- primary Ab, secondary Ab, Avidin-biotin, incubation with DAB (10 minutes). I checked the DAB staining by microscope, it's good, clear, specific and intense enough.
- block of DAB reaction in water
- 3 drops of hematoxylin directly on the tissues, 10 seconds of incubation,and 5 minutes of running tap water (which has pH=7.5)
- clearing and mounting with xylene
What should I do to have a light staining of hematoxyilin in order to see the brown staining of DAB?