Dear Colleagues/Friends,

I’m conducting and informal survey on multidisciplinary research. This stems from a keynote paper I delivered at the international conference on advanced multidisciplinary studies (ICAMR). If you have time, your input is extremely valuable and highly appreciated.

Conference Paper Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies: History, Problems, Solut...

The basic questions I pose:

1. Pros/Benefits/Advantages:

2. Cons/Detriments/Disadvantages:

3. Problems/Roadblocks:

4. Recommendations/Solutions:

5. Examples (should you have time):

Personally, I am a very strong advocate of team-based applied multidisciplinary research across hard (natural) sciences, soft (social) sciences, and humanities. I have been involved with a wide spectrum of international multidisciplinary projects for 30 years. I understand tradeoffs while insisting on fair stakeholder identification, engagement, inclusion, and benefits across the board. I firmly believe that’s the ultimate goal for most of us.

Despite lip service claiming to welcome and promote multidisciplinary research, I find many roadblocks remain unnecessarily common, counter-productive and sometimes insurmountable – especially between stove-piped disciplines and their administrations at multiple scales: for example, 1) among practitioners, 2) within institutions (private, public, government, academic, corporate, think tanks, universities, international organizations, NGOs, grass roots organizations, religious institutions, etc.), 3) among multiple institutions, and 4) among multiple countries and their institutions at the international scale. Some are expected and unavoidable. I get it. It’s part of the necessary aspects of the administrative process, etc. However, there must be solutions for many other common issues and ways that many processes can be streamlined. The intention of this survey is to fix problems and provide a qualitative and quantitative study on the benefits and problems with a summary of recommendations and solutions.

Thank you in advance for your considerations and cooperation.

Yours sincerely and best regards,


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