31 January 2015 16 215 Report

Hi all,

I am new to monte carlo analysis features and I am unable to interpret results from that simulation in cadence. I have designed band-gap current reference and I want to know how the resultant current varies with process and mismatch. Can anyone tell me why I am not getting Gaussian distribution curve for the resulted current (figure is attached in pdf for 2 different cases)? These are the procedure I followed:

Set-up: I opened Montecarlo → selected, sampling method to Random --> Number of points to 500 → save process and mismatch data → run nominal simulation → all instances are selected in specify instances - > ok.

Case 1: Temperature is not varied, only DC operating save option is selected in analysis for MC. It is shown in bottom figure in pdf, where 497 samples are concentrated at only one point. Its mean is showing to be 1.18uA where 'nom' is designed for the current of 1.050uA at 27 Deg C. Why Gaussian plot isn't appearing?

Case 2: Temperature range is selected from -10 to 100 Deg C in analysis option in ADE for the MC run. Its mean is showing as 1.1uA (top figure in pdf). Here 499 samples are concentrated at one point. Here again why Gaussian response isn't appearing and different samples are taken at which temperature (as I varied temp from -10 to 100Deg C)?

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