I tried using Aspen Plus/Properties to extract the thermal and transport properties of a molten salt mixture (KCl-0.67+MgCl2-0.33 mole fraction) for 450oC to 900oC where the fluid is in the liquid phase. The predicted results from Aspen using different EoS (ELECNRTL, ENRTL-RK, SYSOP0, VANL-2, VANL-HOC, VANL-NTH, VANL-RK, Peng-Robinson, PR-BM etc.) were too far from the literature values for density, viscosity, thermal conductivity and heat capacity at constant pressure. Example: density of the salt mixture while defining the salts as conventional fluids were in the range of 450-850kg/m3 as opposed to 1650kg/m3 per the literature @450oC (Please find the attachment) . Whereas selecting the components as solid gives the density of about 4000kg/m3.
Do I need to specify any binary interaction manually to get the properties right?
Please advice on this.
Thank you.