I would say all eyes on 5g technology and use of artificial intelligence in smart devices. You can find out more about the latest and future development from articles related to mobile congress 2018.
Dr Kah Huo Leong and Dr Mehdi Imani, do you think 5G will be used by everyone by end of this year? and will it really make a difference to most users who don't really require such speed of connection?
The issue is very interesting but personally from where I stand the requirements of 4G are not being met by any commercial mobile network provider in the whole world according to the ITU standards. Basically, it is good to talk and discuss about these issues but practically no commercial mobile telecommunication provider is currently meeting the ITU requirements. As for 5G CEOs of organisations can boast about offering it but presently 5G is not even at the point of testing rather it is being experimented. Realistically most commercial operators are offering variations of LTE. If yourtelecom provider in your country is claiming that it is offering 5G please check whether it is meeting the ITU standards set. Read the following
Dear Yen Wen, not likely this year due to many different factors that still require attention from stakeholders. Looking at KT 5G tests in pyeongchang recently, I would say the true 5G is still a ways off.