Hi all,
I am working with a protein that I have characterized quite well by SEC using superose6 resin. In the last 2 purifications, I have been unable to recover the protein in any fractions collected, from the large (1.2 mDa complex) size, to the monomeric size 50 kDa, or anywhere in between or the void volume. Last time I ran this protein without successful purification, upon finishing my work, I equilibrated the column out of my buffer into H2O. At this point, I noticed a large peak on the trace right in the point that the conductivity was changing from my buffered condition, into H2O. I have not confirmed that this peak was my protein, however, it seems odd that my input is full of my protein, and the output of the run contains no trace at all. Is it possible that my superose6 is acting like a IEX column and that my protein is now binding in the presence of high salt and eluting in low salt? Has anyone ever experienced sticky proteins in their SEC columns?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
- Buffer conditions - 25 mM Tris HCl pH 8, 300 mM NaCl, 2% glycerol
- The complex after purification with Ni-NTA looks typical under TEM with the characteristic 1.2 mDa complex
- Our column was subjected to a lengthy storage session in between the past successful runs and my most recent attempts due to our fridge breaking and the FPLC being out of commission
- The column has been washed with 6M Guanidine HCl, 1 M NaCl, 0.5 mM NaOH, and 15% EtOH in between the first failed attempt and the second failed attempt.
- Buffer stocks were not the same from previous runs and current runs. I was not the manufacturer of all of the buffer stocks either so there is a chance they could be different.. However, other lab members buffers (with fairly high NaCl concentrations 150 mM) do not elute the protein either