I've started doing studies on methylation using NGS technology in

Eucalyptus globulus. I'm using MRE-seq and MeDIP-seq. So far I have

managed to generate MRE-seq libraries, sequenced by Illumina and mapping

with BWA.

My main problems have been trying to detect

differentially methylated regions. I want to use the package

'methylMnM' but I do not know how to generate it for my species with the files

from the CpG and MRE-CpG site. I have disposed of sequenced and assembled

genomes of Eucalyptus grandis (http://www.phytozome.net/dataUsagePolicy.php?org=Org_Egrandis) and I

would like to know if there is any way to create these files in

order to run 'methylMnM'.

Specifically, my problem is I do not know how to create a bed file with

Mre_CpGsite for my species from the assembled genome Egrandis_201.fa.

I hope you or the community of researchgate can help me.



Article Comparison of sequencing-based methods to profile DNA methyl...

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