15 November 2016 8 737 Report

I am facing problem in making Method calibration curve (0-100 micro gram) by chromotropic method. 

First three points get linear but other points have absorbance lower than the former. Sequence of method as follows:

1-In Standard solution 2,4,6,8,10 ml methanol (1 ml = 10ug) in 50 ml vol flasks.

2-Add demin/de-ionized water to make final volume to 10 ml of all stds.

3- Add 0.5 ml KMNO4 (1% in 10% H2SO4)

4- Excess neutralize with Sod. Metabisulfite

5- 1 ml Chromotropic Acid (2%w/v)

6- 10 ml Conc. Sulfuric acid

7 Heat on water bath (95 °C) for 20 min

then cool and make up the volume with water and take absorbance at 570nm in 50mm cell.

Please analyze and point out the probable source of error.

And share any better method by ISE, Ion Chromatography or other colorimetric...

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