Usually the amount of fear (state) in modeling goes between 0 and 1. I want to know how they find out that they should allocate 1 to one fear and to another one 0!? Is this based on heart rate , breath rate, EEG!!?
Surely the measure must be multidimensional - certain types of brain activities associated with the "worst fear or nightmare ever", for example, or milder ones associated with a minor burn mark. I do not know how to grade them, or even how to perform the measurements, but brain scans may perhaps help, although probably only to learn about one individual's "span" of fear. How would you compare individuals?
You are right. It needs to combine multiple signal: brain, heart etc. If only heart rate, result will be wrong. Because when you work out, your heart rate increases. For the value from 0 to 1, in the model, we just need to normalize to force result lay in that interval.