Hi, I am not an expert on XPS, in fact, these are the first results I have to interpret. My thin copper oxide film sample has at the surface a binding energy of 932.4 eV. When we removed the top layer, it drops to 932.1 eV, and for the next sputter step it drops down to 931.9 and then to 931.8 eV.
The literature values I found for the Cu species are from Biesinger 2010 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2010.07.086)
Cu BE 932,64 eV
Cu2O BE 932.43 eV
CuO BE 933.57 eV
The only time I found the 931.8 eV mentioned in Literature was by Park 2006 (10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.08.019)
There the authors say that in fresh cleaved copper foil they observed Cu 2p core levels at 931.8 eV.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? So far I have no clue.