11 January 2023 5 10K Report

Hello there,

I'm having problems in making the standard curves for caffeic and gallic acid.

I mixed 0.01g (10mg) of each chemicals into 10ml of 90% MeOH solution, so I'd have 1mg/1ml as a stock solution.

But after I did my serial dilution on the 96 well plate (I put 100 microml of stock solution and 100 microml of distilled water) and proceeded to read them on the plate reader, the result shows barely any concentration (0.04, which I think is the reading for distilled water).

The wavelength that I used for the caffeic acid and gallic acid standards are 500nm and 765nm respectively.

Did I mess something up? Or is my stock concentrations too low?

Thanks for answering in advance.

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