I am looking for human maternal blood samples (first and second trimester and term, post term samples would also be of high interest) with a matched placental biopsy. I require controls and gestational hypertension pathologies, including preeclampsia. The samples should be collected under a controlled SOP with supporting clinical diagnostic information and research ethical board approval. I have found a biobank in Seattle (GAPPS) that has these, but the pathology numbers are a bit small (estimating 30-40). I have also found a cohort in Quebec Canada, but again the cohort is small (30 preeclamptics) I require a set that is about 75-100 PE with a matching control cohort. I could string together several smaller sample sets. I am open to samples out side of North America. If anyone has these cohorts and is willing to sell samples (under an approved ethics protocol), collaborate or is aware of another biobank with samples, please let me know.