A full implementation of the relaxed clock for dating has been added to DAMBE. I have uploaded the new version of DAMBE (version 7.035), together with sample files, to its release site at:
I have also added a brief tutorial on how to do dating with DAMBE at
A more comprehensive set of DAMBE tutorials, useful for teaching purposes is at
For those who don’t know what DAMBE is: it is a comprehensive software workbench for molecular biology, genomics , molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Although it is a Windows program, it has been packaged to run on MAC and Linux.
Xuhua http://dambe.bio.uottawa.ca http://science.uottawa.ca/biology/people/xia-xuhua https://scholar.google.ca/citations?hl=en&user=fbAS_FcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works