I am trying to determine whether these statements are true or not
LPS toxicity is mediated by the toll-like receptor
NO is mainly produced by Kupffer cells
Liver necrosis is the main result of paracetamol toxicity
cholestasis is the main result of LPS toxicity
Glucuronyltransferases are involved in the GSH conjugation of NAPQI
sulfurotransferases are involved in the GSH conjugation of NAPQI
The liver is the main target of paracetamol because it has a high concentration of COX enzymes which are the target of paracetamol pharmacological activity
the liver is the main target of paracetamol because sulfurotransferase expression is generally low
GAPDH is used to normalize the concentration of gene of interest
The number of cycles required to have a sufficiently detectable amount of fluorescence in the PCR is dependent on the original mRNA concentration
Negin Rahimi Liver damage results not from paracetamol itself, but from one of its metabolites, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI). NAPQI decreases the liver's glutathione and directly damages cells in the liver. Diagnosis is based on the blood level of paracetamol at specific times after the medication was taken.