I would like to ask a question about using of linear motor E1100.
I downloaded linear motor software to computer. It is working. I can work command table mode, triggered command table and triggered time curve, continuous curve at run mode selection. But i can not adjust force control. I watched linmot tutorials in youtube. But still I can not do this.
i used command table with the following commands
id1:vai go to pos with force ctrl limit and target force(target position:70, maximal velocity:0.01, acceleration 1 m/s2, force limit:14N, target force: 15N)(383xh)
id2:vai go to pos from act pos and reset force control (381xh)
these commands give error:pos lag always too big
description: the motor was not able to follow the demand position. the maximal allowed position difference is definwd through parameter. 1473h(error limit)
recommend actions: check the motor load, check the motor stroke range for possible collisions, check the position controller setup, check the setpoint generation (unreachable speed/acceleration values?), check the motor sizing.
I want to apply 15 N force to my textile pressure sensors by continuous cycles. Could ypu suggest something? Should I change the homing position and how?
thank you so much