11 November 2016 4 629 Report

Hi all,

I have a following problem. I have cloned a promoter of interest at 5´of Luc2 sequence in pGL4.10 vector (no minimal promoter, no enhancer). I transfect HEK293 cells with 0.5 or 1 ug of the plasmid DNA and 24hrs later I lyse the cells and measure luminiscence from expressed luciferase. Everything is ok, the bckgrd luminescence levels are low and the positive control is high enough. At 0.5ug of transfected DNA my promoter gives me a very nice signal: around 50 to 100 times higher then the Ctrl which is pGL4.10 vector alone without any promoter but at 1ug of transfected DNA  the ratio is much lower (10-20 times) instead of higher. Why is that? Transfection with 1ug of DNA does not increase cell death (checked). I would appreciate any input in this case. Thanks!

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