My supervisor asked me to justify the sample size. I have 37 banks for 8 years, 296 views. I want to make sure if the sample sufficient or not.
Thank you...
I guess the attached pdf book might help your cause.
Sample size are based on the most relevant previuos studies.If you have this, justification of your sample size would be acceptable by your supervisor.
Send your email to me.
I need to model masonry and reinforced concrete minarets for my MSc thesis. Which one is easier and better at modeling slender masonry structures? ANSYS or ABAQUS? (Or any other program for just...
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I am a Petroleum Production Engg MSc student at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen and I am in the process of selecting a topic for my MSc Engineering Investigation proposal. I would very much...
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Hi I want to compare the running time of robotic path planning algorithms. The grid size is 8X8. I have 100 scenarios of start and goal positions.. Each scenario is run in three obstacles ratio...
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I need an answer supported by an article or book... etc Actually, am doing a research, the sample size is 120 subjects. I already assessed the reliability and validity on 20 subjects. what I want...
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If you have any paper about types of injective modules and applied with GAP programming, please send me to the Email:
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Dear All Can you please suggest me a few journals related to Machine learning application for Ophthalmology Thanks.
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If a conductive metal oxide sheet like titanium dioxide (TiO2), indium tin oxide, Vanadium oxide etc. is corroding due to contact with solutions that contain oxidizing agents, what is the chemical...
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I have created an 5.8GHz patch antenna with complex impedance for my research (in CST MW Studio). But I have got a problem with the efficiencies (see picture). I think it's because the antenna is...
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Hello! I'll do a size exclusion chromatography, but I only have an open column, and I'll perform the peptide extraction from yeast, using buffer lysis (sodium phosphate 50 mM/NaCl 30 mM/DNAse and...
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I personally feel this as a most confusing question. As per my understanding, if sample size is > 30, and sample is skewed, we can still use paramteric approach, as it will follow Z...
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Pls share your thoughts
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Hi, I am trying to learn the theoretical modelling of silver nanoparticle using the Mie scattering theory. After that, I discovered a software named Mieplot developed by Philip Laven, where it...
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I am trying to calculate the theoretical density of my ceramics materials. I use the formula below to calculate the theoretical density: Theoretical density = (Molecular weight x No. of molecules...
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I'm in the process of updating a meta-analysis and in one of the new studies, effect sizes are reported as Tau-U. Two of the effect sizes are reported as Tau-U = 1.00. I am using Andy Field's...
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How do I run a a priori sample size determination for non-parametric tests, like the Mann-Whitney U-test and the Kruskall-Wallis or other non-parametric tests that accord with the unpaired t-test...
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I need to conduct a a priori sample size determinations for t-test with unequal means, but I don't know the sizes of the groups nor the ratio of both groups... Can I do a sample size determination...
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My sample size is too small to conduct a factor analysis. I created my own psychometric scale for measuring Effectiveness of Support, which contains 38 items (4 sub-scales) Im really struggling...
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