You are interested article in the area of environmental catalysis to do your PhD. What is area of your research ?. Put that area or title on google search your will get several articles on that urea. You can open the file & find out best article suitable for your research work.
Interesting question answered by an interesting man Madhukar Baburao Deshmukh. Dear Saif addin Eshaq first be specific in your desired topic you wanna work in environmental catalysis, what kind of catalyst you want to use and what is your target reaction that you want to catalyze. Then search extensively for that catalyst and the reaction you intend to catalyze. InshaALLAH you will get numerous materials for your guidance.
I may recommend to you the follow paper: Environmental Catalysis: trends and outlook, G Centi, P Ciambelli, S Perathoner, P Russo - CatalysisToday, 75 (2002), 3-15. Is not a new article, but you can read, find a good discusion and take some ideas to your future references search. I hope this be helpful for you.
Dear saif addin Eshag! You are very interesting person, That is why I would like to say you something. If you have possibility to work with liquid phase and electrocatalysis I recommend you to work with organic impurities in wast water for generating electricity.