I want to make a correlation of AOD 550nm (MODIS MCD19A2, 1km) with PM2.5 (non-referenced sensors: low-cost sensors). For this, I have downloaded MODIS MCD19A2 files and selected SDS optical_depth_055 during post-processing on LAADS Web.
How can I collocate MODIS AOD data on the minimum pixel level (probably 3*3 pixel window) so that it can be correlated with the point sensor? Probably I need a Python script or ENVI manual for this.
How can this MCD19A2 AOD550nm data be pre-processed for cloud masking, and QA for good-quality data?
Mostly MAPPS Website (http://giovanni.gsfc.nasa.gov/aerostat/) is used for the validation of MODIS (Terra: MOD & Aqua: MYD) products with AERONET. However, there is no option for MCD (Aqua & Terra Combined). How can I validate MCD19A2 AOD 550nm with AERONET AOD.
You can follow this , https://seadas.gsfc.nasa.gov/help-8.3.0/collocation/CollocationTool.html#:~:text=The%20Collocation%20Tool%20allows%20to,raster%20of%20the%20master%20product