This Project Works about the incomprehension or empty of didactics’ routes in research management learning in teachers of High Education. The problem is tackled from fourth central issues to follow outcomes from research products. 1. Generation of New knowledge. 2. Technology development, 3. Social Appropriation of knowledge, 4. Training of Human Resource in science, technology, and innovation. These topics are supports in the fourth typologies from a National system of science, technology, and Innovation in Colombia, call it Colciencias.

Consequently, it can look at different problems from diverse academic importance, like as unable for identity the national research products map from ScientTI. The lower impact on the research outcomes in academic communities nationals and internationals. Likewise, this problem impacts the creation or participation in research networks. Also, there is an important difficulty for its management the scientific communication to show the outcomes to the generation of new knowledge in indexed journals.

Another topic is about the researcher's rankings. The national Science System has five levels to classify the researchers; 1. Recognized integrant, 2. Junior, 3. Associated, 4. Senior, and 5.Emerito. There are benefits associated with there levels. Many researchers are not in this rankings´ research. This situation harms the possibilities of products´ visibility from researchers.

In this sense, the general difficulty of the Colombian researcher people to articulate and manage their research process with specific outcomes is the cause of this proposal. Also, we think it can generate a research culture from gamification strategies.

It proposes a design of a gamification strategy for the research products management learning, defined in the National System Research. Also, improve a research culture at University of Santo Tomas and the others in the country. Methodologically, the project is thought for it develops over “Human Centered Design (HCD)” model. It hopes to make a prototype of the platform, and mobile-app, in alfa level, that implied the multimedia and gamification concept.

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