The direct or indirect band gap (optical band gap) are related to the density of localized states (disorder) and the crystallite size, consequently it depends on the structure of the materials (bulk or thin film) so the extent of order or the arrangement ( short, medium or long range order) of the produced materials affect the value of the optical band gap.
Firstly check the structure of both produced material (bulk and thin film). then compare the obtained band gap.
Dear whom down vote my answer, can you tell me why you down vote the mentioned answer? is it wrong? or not enough? waiting your reply. any how the question's producer Prof Dr. P. Grima Gallardo send me an acknowledgement and this is enough for me.
The energy band gap Eg depends on many parameters, the most important one is the crystal structure of the material, if it is crystalline or amorphous, even the crystalline material may have different crystal structures. This depends on the preparation process and the preparative conditions, as well as the growth process and the compactness of its atoms. Consequently, the bulk materials itself may have varying values of energy gap. Moreover, in case of thin films the energy band gap dependence on the film thickness, the used substrate and their preparation. So, You can get such this difference between Eg values of bulk and thin films.