Competitive intelligence in its truest form is an ethical and essential function that involves collecting and analyzing often public but little-noticed information with an objective of “connecting the dots” leading to a source of competitive advantage.
While competitive intelligence looks at the many disparate elements in the research environment that affect a scholar’s ability to compete, its methods should ensure it is focused on the elements that matter most.
What's more, you need to collect, collate, and analyze all the data available on their pipeline potential, strengths and weaknesses, novel mechanisms of action of the compound, patent protection, which can consume valuable time.
Competitive intelligence in trading activities and organizations
Authors and editors Riccardo Riccardi, Leonel César Rodrigues
This book is an affirmation of the indispensability of the human factor, as the carrier in its original and unique individuality of implicit and explicit knowledge, values the resources and generating strategies. An entrepreneurial challenge, which is compelling because destined increasingly to be played on the ground of the knowledge society, without any resistance to change, which may be perceived as a stimulus to the evolution, in which the protagonists are the people, their insights, their creative force, their critical, judgmental, adaptation and selection.
This is absolutely interesting, dear Roland.
I have more doubts than certainties, on this particular subject...
I hope to learn from you!
I fully support you on that .
When we are brought up with moral principles that become intrinsic to our personality, and still have to fully adapt and integrate in a Society that is competitive for survival, intricate ethical doubts arise.
Also, when since our childhood, we integrate an Educational system that implies selection, classification and selective academic steps, this would imply our efforts to always perform every task in the best of ways, and to be best classified.
Here reside my deepest ethical doubts: should we thrive to be more integrated in «mediany», in order not to hurt others' difficulties and competitiveness, or should we go on performing our tasks, the best we can, even if this means, arising jealousies, and further complications?
Competitive intelligence comprises the actions of defining, gathering, analyzing and distributing intelligence about innovation, customers, competitors, government actions, and any other aspects of the marketplace necessary for effective decision-making.
I'm now a person retired from the forefront of research. So, I'm writing this answer looking back my research life. I didn't have much desire to compete among research persons, and the word "competitive" in research meant for me the competition of human being as a whole to get better living. For this purpose, I wanted to do my best by focusing on making my research ability as unique as possible.
Dear Roland
It is interesting topic and it is related to our daily competitive in all fields and it is the critical to making the best decisions for the future of our potential compound during the research and development stages.
The field of competitive intelligence (CI), as a profession, is relatively new and it is related to knowledge management fields. Basically CI deals with data gathered and used by a company for the purpose of learning about its competition in a given market. The starting point is information. Intelligence is information that has been analyzed for decision making. However, information overload is one of the leading problems of today's executive and the top reason for needing a CI expert. Examples of competitive intelligence include stock traders who analyze the data on prices and price movements to determine the best investments. CI is not spying on the competition.
A starting point to catch up with the subject is:
Probably this could be applicable for a whole country's strategy, but for a single researcher maybe it is too extreme. But, probably could be useful. Have you a relevant example for a researcher?
The concept of competitive intelligence is definitely an interesting and important aspect in globalized societies and economies. I think we need to combine it with collaborative intelligence to ensure greater co-adaptivity and social cohesion.
It is really interested one to prove best based on competitive approach. Always compare with the competitive approach of others to became best with the resources available. Place or Institute will play a better role in it.
Intelligence should, I think, be plural and comprehensive--dear Roland!
I may seem idealistic in my approach when I say that competition ought not be the motive behind progress. It is a reality that there is fierce competition between companies & between individuals but this does not fit in my angle of perception & belief . I think that all the efforts ought to be aimed at the progress of humanity as a whole so as there will be no superior & inferior, no master & slave, no rich & poor, and no one at the top & one at the bottom.
competitive intelligence focuses on
Oprah Winfrey Quote: "You become what you believe."
Dear Ronald Dear RG fellows,
a world based on the principles of community and solidarity in theory would be fantastic, but each of us is different from the others both as structure and as a superstructure.
While even the merit should be recognized for creating a system of rewards that create equity through incentives. The incentive system varies over time depending on the mainstream thinking. In universities and research there are rules to improve the level of research.
Undoubtely with globalization these rules have become more and more difficult to meet. If a researcher does not address the reality is likely to end at the edge of the scientific community.
A system overly competitive, however, could lead to channel research on the issues fashionable at the expense of issues of great scientific and cultural scope.
Publicly-available information, in this context, refers to any information that can be legally obtained, rather than information that the business being investigated offers freely. Sources of publicly available information include -- among a great number of other possibilities -- company directories, legal filings and documentation from government agencies and regulatory bodies.
According to the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) code of ethics, those conducting CI investigations must refrain from illegal activities, disclose information about their identity and corporate affiliation prior to any interviews, and provide honest and reliable information as a result of the investigation. The covert and often illegal gathering of competitors' information is known as industrial espionage.
Dear Roland, I think that could be in an ideal world. However in competitive environment of industries, business, politics, geopolitics, markets, etc.... competitive intelligence could be focused on the self success or the more mediated recognition or the more successful plan or business. In unfavorable milieu, competitive intelligence could be more focused on the gains via many methods of corruption, cheating, robbery, ego and self prestige
In Business operations
Competitive Intelligence gives immediate benefits to a wide range of operations— to guide product development by knowing what features competitors are developing, and which customers really care about. Can take advantage of competitive benchmarking by discovering how other companies in industry and in others are tackling a problem.
Competitive intelligence in trading activities and organizations
Authors and editors Riccardo Riccardi, Leonel César Rodrigues
This book is an affirmation of the indispensability of the human factor, as the carrier in its original and unique individuality of implicit and explicit knowledge, values the resources and generating strategies. An entrepreneurial challenge, which is compelling because destined increasingly to be played on the ground of the knowledge society, without any resistance to change, which may be perceived as a stimulus to the evolution, in which the protagonists are the people, their insights, their creative force, their critical, judgmental, adaptation and selection.
Sure dear Roland, that a scientist is a cleaver and intelligent person who needs some responses to scientific and/or behavioral questions. However is really the intelligence measure the only mean to able change in nowadays world more focused on power and profits than on intelligence matter??? could intelligence and ethics be merged for a profitable progress to all Human without discrimination.
Dear Roland, I don't believe in human components genetically modified technology and i don't believe in modified genomes for human brains. I trust the power of creation of human, their genetics and their brains. And I believe in human consciousness for a better life and further progress. Genetically modified technology is not yet accepted for industrial products and foods, how could it be trusted for human body and its consequences on human kind??? Ethics is the basic root in anything especially in science and technological development. Super intelligent people with no ethical barriers could be powerful criminals. However if this technology was accepted, sure that some super developed and powerful nations do have used it for their citizens' brains augmenting in the same time their power and development!!
Competitive intelligence entails defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing information about products, customers, and competitors.
Competitive intelligence can be executed via the following methods: primary research, secondary research, and analysis.
From an industrial perspective, there are drains to an enterprise which needs to be controlled for longevity.
The first two are inevitable if process oriented but still can be controlled.
The management requirement is to constantly and scrupulously watch for symptoms which could facilitate timely and improve upon the realization, which competitive and advantageous to the organization.
Dear Colleagues,
Good Day,
"What you don’t know can destroy your company– it’s a highly competitive world where knowledge is power… However, with some savvy planning and perfectly legal snooping– otherwise known as competitive intelligence– you can drive strategy, soothe your fears, and give your company a competitive edge..."
"sometimes competitive intelligence gets a bad rap when some people associate it with terms, such as; snoop, corporate spooks, spying, James Bond tactics… which implies illegality or at least questions legitimacy of the activity…"
"Competitive intelligence in its truest form is an ethical and essential function that involves collecting and analyzing often public, but little-noticed information, with an objective of ‘connecting the dots’ and leading to a competitive advantage… "
I think competitive advantage, which is a must for every organization, should be based on knowledge management processes to keep an eye where to go and how to respond effectively to other competitors.
Dear Colleagues,
Good Day,
"In the article Competitive Intelligence Focused on What Matters by Jim DeLoach writes: In a dynamic, complex and uncertain business landscape, effective competitive intelligence is needed to provide early warning… competitive intelligence should be comprehensive in scope, integrating the intelligence gained from the analysis of multiple sources of data and information with the objective of identifying insights and trends that can make a difference in exploiting opportunities, identifying emerging risks… In effect, a competitive intelligence function is the business’– ‘eyes and ears’ in a rapidly changing world… it’s a ‘early warning’ system that is critical in identifying ‘vital signs’ in an ever-changing environment… However, failure to make the fundamental connectivity with the enterprise’s underlying strategic assumptions leaves competitive intelligence as a tactical, ad hoc, strategically irrelevant process… If the intelligence function is not driven by factors relevant to the critical assumptions underlying the strategy, then the organization is at risk because the intelligence gathered does not convey the full picture…"
please, see the following articles for further reading:
In my opinion competitive intelligence is focused on self affirmation and motived by quickly find solutions to problems. Collaborative intelligence is based on the motive to find sustainable solutions to more complex problems (example: to take into consideration the needs of people and maintaining social cohesion)...through collaboration of intelligences and views.
Dear sirs!
The problem I find towars this issue is the same problem I find in Humanity in general, and in myself... from my feminine side !!!)
One thing is intelligence (the attribute of our humanoid side). Another thing is Emotions (the attribute of our animal, instictive, side). When we mix both, we get Emotional behaviour, such as competitive intelligence. The problem is that it may lead to CONFLIT, and human conflit is worse than animal, instinctive conflit, because we use our intelligence to act, and to build weapons, as instruments of war...
It is an interesting question for discussion and to draw conclusions for future applications and utility for the measure of competitive intelligence of scholars. How best , it can be channelized through various integrated approaches to deliver the best out put in a given situation or circumstances.
Both human and non-human animals express emotions. Both express forms of conflict and collaboration. Can animals not be intelligent? Animals solve problems in a local dynamic world for survival, reproduction, etc... Perhaps there is a difference in scale of perception (visible local versus visible global dynamic world) between human and non-human living beings?
Dar Roland,
Competitive Intelligence as a tool or instrument to adjust the own strategy for doing slective activities is one way to realize added value. On the other hand each indivudual may have the abilitiy to create ideas with resulting options for benefit without covering the need of a market. These ideas might have a higher potential for breakthrough innovations than a less creative evaluation of "big data" which needs a lot of time.
Last not least the independent focus on things uncoupled to any market analysis might have a higher value. To allow the coincidence to become the driver can also be constructive. The Darwinian Evolution is the best example for this approach.
That means: "It doesn't matter if you are not focussed on the matter" ..... If you have an ideas...follow this idea und look for a good team supporting you.
With best regards
I believe so. We in our university formally identifies our priorities and our targets. We also determine our institutional capability. We benchmark what we believe could give us competitive advantage.
Dear all
Competitive intelligence is the focus of modern business. We discuss the question we ought to observing it on commercial grounds.
First competitive intelligence must be collected by legal and moral means.
Second it is not a personal action done by a scientist. It is group behavior. The group can be enterprises or business group or corporation…
I have a corporation for example. The CI department is the eye of the corporation.
Ideally, collecting & analyzing information about competitors’ strengths & weaknesses must be done in a legal & ethical manner. Actually, little substantial information comes about the competitors by the ideal way and the most valuable information is usually inaccessible. Therefore, many ongoing intelligence activities involve corporate or industrial espionage with a final aim of gaining an unfair competitive advantage. Industrial spying really goes on even among "good" friends with each perpetrator trying not to be caught. It is unfortunate that competition is more brutal than what is bearable with each side trying to crush the other & to kick the rival out of the market. We cannot close our eyes to not see businesses becoming bankrupt or big fish eating small fish under the soft title of "merging". I said in my previous contribution "competition ought not to be the motive behind progress" so competition has to be watched closely in order to ensure that it is legal, ethical, reasonable and acceptable.
Competitive intelligence is the action of --- defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about --- products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers making strategic decisions for an organization --- .
In any system of two or more distinct things, stability is one of the fundamental properties and in such systems, competitiveness alone has more destructive role to the system as a whole and therefore competitive intelligence alone has that effect on society. In the contrary competitive and cooperative spirits are more beneficial to the system. We see these merits in a dynamical system where species are competitive and cooperative are more good to the stability of the system while mere competition makes the system lose stability and destroys the system.
Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a process which gives insights into what might happen in the near future to support business decision. CI is important because it allows to meet company’s intelligence needs in one of these three functional categories:
--- STRATEGIC DECISIONS AND ACTIONS, including the development of strategic plans and strategies.
--- EARLY-WARNING SYSTEM, including competitor initiatives, technological surprise, and governmental actions.
--- DESCRIPTIONS OF KEY PLAYERS in the specific marketplace, including competitors, customers, suppliers, regulators, and potential partners'%20SME%20Pres...
Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a process whereby you collect, analyze, and transform information into intelligence so you can manage the future. Examples of CI include everything from collecting the Annual Reports of your competition to setting up automated search routines. The overall objective of CI is to identify events, trends, and other issues that will impact your organization.
The best way to implement CI is to focus on critical questions confronting your organization. For example, how will this regulation change our business or how will the introduction of a competing product impact our business? You must continually monitor critical issues if you expect to compete. If you fail to implement CI, than you run the risk of operating in a reactive mode. And nothing changes a company more than having to survive.[Matt H]
I agree with most comments especially with Monica Bhattacharjee
Competitive intelligence in its truest form is an ethical and essential function that involves collecting and analyzing often public, but little-noticed information, with an objective of ‘connecting the dots’ and leading to a competitive advantage...
Marketing team can help connect the dots
Marketing responds quickly and concisely identity to clients, develop cross-marketing efforts and strengthen current client relationships.
Dear Shafagat, Rolland et al,
The paper of Shafagat responds to this questions in a scientific way. For example she shows that: "It essentially means understanding and learning what is happening in the world around your business so you can be as competitive as possible. It means learning as much as possible– as soon as possible– about your industry, markets, competitors, or even your county’s particular zoning rules. In short, it empowers business to anticipate and face challenges head-on… In essence it turns many sources of raw data, and in some parlance, garbage and trash into a significant competitive advantage– think Garbology…"
It is a important paper that i realy enjoy its reading
I thnik we need to do more of this in higher education as we generally operate from a position of supplying skills but we seldom look at it from the demand side; i.e., how much of our skills/knowledge does industry need?
many thanks,
Dear Roland, your invitation to comment on your question finds me also a bit clueless and I only can answer as Concha Diez-Pastor in her (Re54) forlmulated as follows:
"Dear Roland, I am afraid I might be of little help as I had never heard the term, CI, before. To answer you in proper terms I should know what kind of competitiveness my intelligence falls into, if any. But following your description of how do people fill the dots, and just in case it makes sense to you, it might well be through a mix of intuition and unconsciousness."
I collect scientific data (from all kind of sources), go through them and evaluate if and/or how these could influence my thinking about solving in my do I also for "data/news" in my social environment....locally as well as globally and try to conclude (hopefully) something of value or benefit....if this is , I do not know for now....
Best regards, Wolfgamg
Our intelligence can not afford to remain an to focus in isolation .It has to be diverted in the line with your areas of competitive creation of our development.With all our energy areas of our intelligence in the line of our development ,for our personal career ,our desire ,our standing mode our respect in surrounding areas we should not divert our intelligence in various line & to concentrate on our selective line of action.
This is the practice we should adopt so that we may establish our personal line of creative action & for other areas ,it is likely that it may helps us to contribute our development for the social fabrics.
W e have to see that we should not be ''JACK OF ALL TRADES -,MASTER OF NONE''
I think that it might be helpful to explore the related topics of Emotional Intelligence (which can involve cooperative as well as constructively competitive modes of functioning). See Daniel Goleman's book, "Emotional Intelligence" (New York: Bantam Books, 2006).
For a Market financial company
To give companies in global commodities markets a competitive advantage by delivering trusted pricing data, high-value news, analysis and independent consulting, enabling customers to make better-informed trading and planning decisions.
Hi there, friend. I think that competitive intelligence is best acquired not only by understanding the world outside "competitive benchmarking" of the business itself, but also, by creating an organizational culture that is focused the health and wellness of its workers. Of course, the bottom line is always maintaining and retaining the company's competitive advantage. I have studied mental ability assessments and their role in the success of organizations retaining their competitive advantage. Other than the importance of an organization's culture, mental aptitude tests play an important role in goal attainment. I agree with the responses regarding Emotional Intelligence testing (EI). EI and Creativity testing are becoming used more often as part of IQ testing as a career assessment for entering certain work environments. Furthermore, career aptitude tests assess various aspects of the potential employee’s personality to help determine which jobs best suit the individual. I have attached one article here regarding mental ability assessments. I have written other articles specifically related to successful organizations that fully meet the definition of competitive intelligence, such as, Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods, and a few others. Please feel free to contact me via message if you would like to take a look at those articles. Have a great week.
The main focus of Competitive intelligence is gathering competitors and market information for taking competitive decisions.
Dear @Helena Pestana & @Roland Iosif Moraru,
Thank you very much)
Best regards, Shafagat
To L.I.Petrazhitsky, "Emotions are true motives, drivers of a human behavior. Social-historical formations are their projections" To "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman (academic, social and emotional learning- emotional and physical working brain), "Why it can matter more than IQ?"How emotions are regulated in the brain? It shapes children's developing neural circuitry, particularly the executive functions of the prefrontal cortex, which manage working memory- what we hold in mind as we learn- and inhibit disruptive emotional impulses (attention, working memory).Neuroplasticity, the shaping of the brain through repeated experience plays a key role in the benefits from SEL.SEL is the active ingredient in programs to enhance children's problems such preventing problems as violence". "The biggest surprise has been the impact of EI in the world of business- in the areas of leadership and employee development (in hiring, promoting and developing their employees)". It's characteristic of people, having empathy to get emotional feedback. It is determined by emotional excitability- syntony (ability to harmoniously respond to the state of other people and surrounding world- it's emotional concord. To feel pain of others and suffer with them, to feel joy of others and be happy- it's a main trait of creative people. To S.Rubinshtein, "a creative personality is thinking, feeling, experiencing, who is able to realize and appreciate own activity". "A human being is inside the being. Not only world exists in consciousness, but also consciousness exists in the world, is in and has a place"(Frankl). To D.Goleman, "Empathy:an overlooked 21-st century skill"(inner, other and outer focus)
Dear Roland,
We remember Maslow,"If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life".To Hamlet, "Those blessed, who has blood and intellect of the same composition".To Goethe, "The field of my activity is Time"(courage and proposition).To Ivan Karamazov, "All is permissible!" It's a bitter verification, not joy. To A.Camus, "To be absurd is necessary, but there is no need to be a fool. Trying to express absurd, Franz Kafka uses logic. There is an anecdote about an insane man, who fished in the bath. A doc asked him,"What would you do if a fish takes the bait?" The fisherman answered, "It is impossible. You see, it is a bath". Absurd is connected with the excess of logic.' Le Mythe de Sisyphe" is tragic, because a hero has consciousness. Only fight for the top is enough to fill a human heart. We shoul consider him as happy. Sisyphus has his own fate. A stone is his property. A prayer is like a night, descending to the thought. But the intellect must meet the night (Polar night)". Orwell was mentioned. To F.Nietzshe, "It's becoming clear, that the most important on the Earth and in the heavens, there is long and unidirectional strict obedience: its result is something, for the sake of it is worth living-courage, arts, music,dance,intellect,spirit-something that is reformative, exquisite, mad or divine- it's the rule of the greatest moral"A creative person is not only emphatic, but also both- reflective and self-disciplined.What is inadmissible as to a creative person?-criticism, captivity, fear,timetrouble,routine,rivalry,general bad conditions, neither regalia, nor privileges, disinterest.Feelings are combined in the temporary relations
One of the main emotional peculiarity is its ideatory character (ideal good =real good).Success is a resonance between a system of values of a human being and his achievements.Every human being finds his own conceptual model, expressed in the complex structured experience.To Meinong, "Objective value is that, which has the ability to be worth from the point of view of intellectually and emotionally normal human being"Higher feelings can't be characteristic of the people with the defects of ethical feelings.To Richter, "You must be a human being so that you can compassionate. You must be an angel, so that you can rejoice jointly"To Gostev (2010), "Mentality is a factor of creating the integral image of reality (worldimage) and a regulator of human behavior".The systems by G.Dupont and J.Lovinger were criticised by Vygotsky. Social aspects (experience, activity, system of values)of the personal development must be taken into consideration. I think elitism of the countries with weak economy can't need empathy.Empathy is considered as a weakness in the corrupt society. It's acceptable and reasonable only for the civilized society and organization. Corruption as a cultural value?The mission of a leader is to help others to be successful?! "The fates of ones were splendid, the fates of others were horrible, and the Russian fantastic bowl blessed all of them"(Ivanov G.) "The iron law of meritocracy states, that injustice that was caused by the system of meritocracy one day will reach such proportions, that may overthrow the mechanism of mobility- unequal results make the equal opportunities unrealizable"K.Hayes.To me,4 moments are rather reasonable- death rate, brain drain, corruption perceptions index, power distance index (scale of Hofstede's analysis).To Brodsky,Human dignity is based on denying of evidence.Clambering up the place under the sun happens at the expense of the others, who don't start climbing".That's why empathy is highly required only by students.
The goals of competitive intelligence include --- discerning potential business risks and opportunities and enabling faster reaction to competitors' actions and events.
For gaining competitive intelligence, one must be rich in competitive intelligence than the competitors.
One frequently used yet useful technique of competitive intelligence is developing a competitor array, the steps of which include:
--Delineating your industry – nature and scope of the industry
--Finding out who your competitors are
--Finding out who your customers are and the advantages they expect
--Finding out what the chief success factors in your industry are
--Ranking each of the success factors by giving it a weighting – when the weightings are added together, the total should be one
--Giving each competitor a rating based on the chief success factors
--Multiplying the factor weighting with each cell in the matrix
Successful identification of market exploitation opportunities is about obtaining sufficient knowledge and insights regarding economic trends, competitors, customers, suppliers, regulators and other external factors by monitoring them to evaluate changes that may present opportunities for company executives to exploit before others do. With regard to industry dissonance risk, management should focus on the vital signs that provide early warning of the risk of changing assumptions so the organization’s options can be evaluated before the risk becomes common knowledge. The objective is to manage emerging opportunities and risks in a proactive manner to gain competitive advantage and enhance business performance.
I think it is as my research focuses on issues that would have a wide and lasting impact such as my recent research e-clinics and auto-assessment product. They was well received as pilots and are now going to be implemented for all graduate students to benefit.
Conference Paper Piloting Graduate Research E-clinics Toward Completion of Ma...
Data Auto –Test Product Development Work Breakdown Structure
@ P&G
CI training, which before might have been made available selectively, is being made available to everybody who would benefit from scenario planning, from better strategic analysis. And from having the activity individually and functionally driven, we’re moving toward more team efforts and seeing tremendous benefit from getting multifunctional teams involved in scenario planning and competitive reaction scenarios