Yes, I am one of so many amateurs
who play around with logic
and try to find solutions for the “liar sentence”.
And as my university time (with mathematics, philosophy and informatics)
was some 20 years ago and as (in spite of once excellent marks)
I never was a profound mathematician,
there was little probability that of all people
I should discover something relevant there.
Yet “even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn”
and today I am not sure whether I have found “something” or not.
What makes it more suspicius is that I had no genial idea
but simply combined and modified some existing ideas
and added one or two small ideas of my own.
The so modified logic I called “layer logic” (in German “Stufenlogik”),
and discussed it in internet forums (like this one).
Here I met a problem:
For interested laymen it was to mathematical and formal,
for scientists it was not formal and mathematical enough.
This may be the main reason,
why up to now no fundamental error or inconsistency was found.
My belief in layer logic grew,
when I learned that a German professor
(Prof. Dr. Ulrich Blau, reflection logic, “Reflexionslogik”),
had used a similar approach (some ten years earlier than me),
but only for logic and not using and expanding it for set theory and mathematics
as I have done.
Link to a book of Prof. Ulrich Blau (in German):
Especially the “layer set theory” is very nice:
We have less axioms then in the classical Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZF)
and the “set of all sets” and the “Russell set” are ordinary sets
and only one kind of infinity (that of the natural numbers) is needed.
The set of all natural numbers can be defined and an arithmetic is possible.
As I nowhere read about such a set theory,
some of my layer logic ideas could be new,
in spite of the first impression of many,
that it is “the same old story” of Russell,Tarsky and others
in perhaps “new bottles”.
Before going into details
let´s have a look into the advantages of layer logic:
What more could we do,
if the ideas of layer logic are valid?
There is a good chance that in layer logic and arithmetic
the incompleteness proofs of Kurt Gödel are no longer valid,
so that the layer theory can be consistent
and yet for every true statement in layer arithmetic a proof could exist.
There could be a new definition for (layer-)algorithms and (layer-)computers,
and the halting problem could be no more irresolvable.
(For practically solving it we probably would need a halting programm,
which to find even with layer logic will be a hard piece of work).
As there are much less contradictions in layer logic than in classical logic
(as different truth values in different layers are no problem)
most indirect proofs in any science would hold no more.
Such proofs are used for example in philosophy and physics and of cause in mathematics.
So I understand that science doesn´t wait with open arms for such a new logic.
(David Hilbert probably wouldn´t have liked the layer set theory
with only one kind of infinity and no more “Cantor´s paradise”,
he might have liked the new possibilities to handle the incompleteness proofs of Kurt Gödel).
As I still think that “layer logic” it is not ripe enough for universities or professional journals,
I once more try to discuss and improve it in internet forums.
But why do I show all this “gold and spices” to you?
Like Columbus I am not able to organize the journey
to the new continent of layer logic all by my own,
I need (mathematical and philosophical) craftsmen and ships,
and there you are “King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella”
or a daring crew and captain to me.
And like Columbus (and the early Heisenberg) I have some guessed ideas
and can formaly calculate whith layer logic,
but I do not fully understand what I have found,
I lack the meaning and interpretation of layer logic
and professional methods.
So much for openers,
now to layer logic itself:
Layer logic is a three valued logic (but that is not very important),
and meta-levels (or something similar) called “layers” are part of it (very important).
Here my axioms/rules for layer logic:
Axiom 0:
There is a inductive set T of layers: t=0,1,2,3,…
(We can think of the classical natural numbers, but we need no multiplication)
Axiom 1:
Statements A are entities independent of layers,
but get a truth value only in connection with a layer t, referred to as W(A,t).
(The layers are like an additional logical dimension)
Axiom 2:
All statements are undefined (=u) in layer 0.
VA: W(A,0)=u
(We need u to have a symmetric start.)
Axiom 3:
All statements in layers have either the truth value ´w´ (true)
or ´f´ (false) or ‘u’ (undefined).
Vt>0:VA: W(A,t)= either w or f or u.
Axiom 4:
Two statements A and B are equal in layer logic,
if they have the same truth values in all layers t=0,1,2,3,...
VA:VB: ( A=B := Vt: W(A,t)=W(B,t) )
Axiom 5:
(Meta-)statements M about a layer t are constant = w or = f for all layers d >= 1.
For example M := ´W(f,3)= f´.
Then w=W(M,1)=W(M,2)=W(M,3)=...
(Meta statements are similar to classic statements)
Axiom 6:
(Meta-)statements about ´W(A,t)=...´ are constant = w or = f for all layers d >= 1.
Axiom 7:
A statement A can be defined by defining a truth value for every layer t.
This may also be done recursively in defining W(A,t+1) with W(A,t).
It is also possible to use already defined values W(B,d)
and values of meta statements (if t>=1).
For example: W(H,t+1) := W( W(H,t)=-w v W(H,t)=w,1)
A0-A7 are meta statements, i.e. W(An,1)=w.
Although inspired by Russell´s theory of types, layer theory is different.
For example there are more valid statements (and sets) than in classical logic
and set theory (or ZFC), not less.
And (as we will see in layer set theory) we will have the set of all sets as a valid set.
And self referring statements and sets are allowed in layer logic and layer set theory.
Now a look onto the liar in layer theory:
Classic: LC:= This statement LC is not true (LC is paradox)
Layer logic: We look at: ´The truth value of statement L in layer t is not true´
And define L by (1): Vt: W(L, t+1) :=w iff W(L,t) -= w and W(L, t+1):=f else.
Axiom 2 gives us: W(L,0)=u
(1) with t=0 gives us: W(L,0) = u-=w -> W(L,1) = w
(2) with t=1 : W(L,1) = w -> W (L,2) = f
(3) with t=2 : W(L,2) = f-=w -> W (L,3)= w ; W(L,4)= f; etc.
L is a statement with different truth values in different layers,
but L is not paradox.
Another layer liar statement is
(1a): Vt: W(LA, t+1) :=w iff Vd>0: W(LA,d) -= w and W(LA, t+1):=f else.
LA is a meta statement of Axiom 6 and would have to be constant.
Therefore it is not a well defined layer statement and therefore no problem.
Last not least a look on layer set theory:
The differences may become more clear in layer set theory,
my favourite part of layer theory:
The central idea is to treat “x is element of set M” (x e M) as a layer statement:
It is true in layer t+1 that set x is element of the set M,
if the statement A(x) is true in layer t.
Equality of layer sets:
W (M1=M2, d+1) = W ( For all t: W(xeM1,t) = W(xeM2,t) , 1 )
Especially: W (M=M, d+1)=w for d>=0.
The empty set 0:
W(x e 0, t+1) := W( W( x e 0, t ) = w , 1 ) = f for t>=0.
The full set All:
W(x e All, t+1) := W( W( x e All, t ) = w v W( x e All, t ) = u v W( x e All, t ) = f , 1 ) = w for t>0 and =u for t=0.
So other than in most set theories in layer theory the full set is a normal set.
Axiom M1 (assignment of statements to sets):
W(x e M, t+1) := W ( W ( A(x), t ) =w1 v W ( A(x), t ) =w2 v W ( A(x), t ) =w3 , 1 )
with w1,w2,w3 = w,u,f
For every layer set M there exists a layer logic statement A(x) witch fullfils for all t=0,1,2, …:
W(x e M, t+1) = W ( W ( A(x), t ) = w v W ( A(x), t ) = f , 1 )
W(x e M, 0+1) = W ( W ( A(x), 0) = w v W ( A(x), 0 ) = f , 1 )
= W (u=w v u=f, 1 ) = f
Axiom M2 (sets defined by statements):
For every layer logic statement A(x) about a layer set x there exits a layer set M so that for all t=0,1,2,3,… holds:
W(x e M, t+1) := W ( A(x), t ) (or the expressions of axiom M1).
Definition M3 (definition of meta sets):
If F is a logical function (like identity, negation or f.e. FoW(xeM1,t) = W(xeM1,t)=w )
then the following equation defines a meta set M: (M1=M is allowed):
W(x e M, t+1) := W ( F o W(x e M1, t), 1 )
Consequences of the axioms and definitions:
In layer 0 all sets are u:
W( x e M, 0 ) = u (as all statements in layer 0).
In layers > 0:
W(x e M, t+1) := w if W ( A(x), t ) = w else W(x e M, t+1) := f
For all x and (normal layer) sets M holds: W(x e M, 1) = u (as W(A(x),0)=u).
For all x and meta sets M holds: W(x e M, 1) = w or –w
Last not least let´s look upon the Russell set:
Classic definition: RC is the set of all sets, that do not have themselves as elements
RC:= set of all sets x, with x –e x
In layer theory: W(x e R, t+1) := W ( W ( x e x, t ) = f v W ( x e x, t ) = u , 1 )
W(x e R, 0+1) = W ( W ( x e x, 0 ) = f v W ( x e x, 0 ) = u , 1 ) = W (u=f v u=u , 1 ) = w
Therefore W(R e R,1) = w
W(R e R,2) = W ( W ( R e R, 1 ) = f v W ( R e R, 1 ) = u , 1 ) = W (w=f v f=u , 1 ) = f
And so W(R e R,3) = w, W(R e R,4) = f , …
R is a set with different elements in different layers, but that is no problem in layer set theory.
As All, the set of all sets, is a set in layer theory, it is no surprise,
that the diagonalisation of cantor is a problem no more (I just give the main idea):
Be M a set and P(M) its power set and F: M -> P(M) a bijection between them (in layer d)
Then the set A with W(x e A, t+1) = w := if ( W(x e M,t)=w and W(x e F(x),t)=f )
A is a subset of M and therefore in P(M).
So it exists x0 e M with A=F(x0).
First case: W(x0 e F(x0),t)=w , then W(x0 e A=F(x0), t+1) = f (no contradiction, as in another layer)
Second case: W(x0 e F(x0),t)= f then W(x0 e A=F(x0), t+1) = w (no contradiction, as in another layer)
If we have All as M and identity as Bijektion F we get for the set A:
W(x e A, t+1) = w := if ( W(x e All,t)=w and W(x e x),t)=f ) = if ( W(x e x),t)=f )
This is the layer Russell set R (I omitted the ´u´-value for simplification) -
and no problem.
That should be enough for a start
For those who can read German here links with further details (all three with similar content):
(You also may search in the net with “logic trestone” or “Logik Trestone”)
Here some open questions:
Where is the definition of layer logic technically not correct and how can it be improved?
Or if you think that this layer logic ship will sink or never swim, can you give reasons why?
Advanced questions:
What does a layer mean?
And what is the meaning or relation to reality
of a statement or a property,
that is true in layer 1 and false in layer 2?
How can we use layer logic in physics?
Does layer logic help to understand mind, body and consciousness?