I need a feedback on review o myu paper on EMF effects in nonthermal doses on living creatures which is based on storage capacity of DNA. Can reincarnation be explained by physical mechanisms and can DNa MEMORIZE THE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR ANCESTORS ?
DNA itself is not reflective of the experiences of your ancestors, but the methylation patterns on DNA can be maternally inherited. Methylation patterns will change the expression of DNA, and can thus alter an descendant's phenotype.
Regarding theories of consciousness/soul I recommend Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century, by Edward F. Kelly and Emily Kelly. NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2017.
Not being a graduate scientist I feel un-qualified to comment on the functions that your paper describes, particularly the physiology of brain states. However, as a long-time student of the history of metaphysics and related subject matter, I can say the possibility of finding our ancestors' thoughts in our DNA is highly intriguing. So are the theories on alchemical healing, which apparently have been around for a long time. Dr. Edward C. Whitmont, a Jungian psychologist, published a seminal work on the subject. (1)
Also, if someone can prove what mystics, as well as too many charlatans, call the Akasha Stream (every thought of everyone who ever lived) truly exists, I think it is quite probable they will find it inside individuals. It is fascinating how human consciousness keeps searching externally for things that may be just under the surface inside of us. Maybe in fact the sensors pointing inwards instead of outwards are related to altered brain states.
As to empirical verification to date of the existence of consciousness as soul or vice-versa, I also have searched in many bright and dark corners for the answer to that question. All I have ever found is empirical data offered by Noetic Scientists that when a person dies a very minuscule loss in weight does occur unexplainable by any physical factors. Is this the soul gone from the body or the weight of consciousness that has ceased? Or something else? If anyone ever finds out, I also would like to know.
(1) Edward C. Whitmont, M.D., The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1993.
As a matter of fact i belive that reincarnation is the only technology of inheriting immortality as it can be assumend that locally , in a given part of Universe e.g. Gaia the total number of souls is constant in similarity to other conservation lows as known from physics.
As a extreamly courious scientist it will be good for me to for example to reincarnate while preserving my memory that is what i have learned.
Also thera are many reports of normal people who had seen strange things at the moment of death of the boloved one.
Also I had loved my parents so much that I would like to know if they aare satisfied with my current state of life.
To be frank I belive in Good and just like to know before I die if tis there any chance that i can be active and creative after I will die.
I am going to write a book on
theory of soul" to review the current state of art in that field and present my own ideas about that.
Like the "Soul is the quantum solitary wave in the 8th dimensions able in incarnate into a new born baby" ore just to develope a STARGATE enabling us to travel back and fourts iin space and time.
I belive that most of the sci fi movies were created after the consulting process with renown scienists who just say their prognosis or brave hypothesis HOW THE WORLD WORKS.
Spielberg for sure must have such an advisory board.
So to make the long story short I just would like to avoid turning into ashes totally in future. The immortality is a nice perspective so i can keep on doing research which I love. Of course my wife and kids are beloved unconditionally.
Paternal methylation patterns can be transferred from father to offspring, but generally many of them are diluted out or reversed by maternal patterns after formation of the embryo. Therefore, maternal methylation patterns are much more significant.
I agree with your first paragraph. My personal theory is that so-called “souls” are a form of crystalized energy. Mayer’s Law of Conservation of Energy specifies that there is a fixed quantity of energy within a closed system and it cannot increase or decrease, only transform. Unfortunately, in expanding that Law into definitions of the various forms of energy, he did not consider there could be such a form as spiritual energy i.e. souls. If reincarnation is ever confirmed as a measurable true event in our material universe, then the phenomenon will quite likely involve transformation of energy, perhaps at the quantum cellular level. Or at least the transformation may be perceptible at that deep strata of human construction.
However, I cannot get past the apparent biological fact that memory and personality dissipate with the physical brain and therefore realistically, no one can come back as their old selves. Unless of course, the “soul” maintains a kind of backup copy of our memory and personality and it leaves the body and returns in a new body as a package deal. But surely there are too many “what ifs” for a scientist in this line of thinking?
Quantum Theory of Soul sounds like an excellent project idea! I would love to read any part of such a work that you may care to share in due course.
I agree with some previous comments expressing that the only way to inherit from our ancestors some of the consciousness and experiences or knowledge gained during their life, is thanks to the current knowledge of Epigenetics:
The methylation of the proteins that support the DNA structure of our parents indicates the adaptation and learning of them, the circumstances and environmental phenomena that marked them and that allowed them to live or survive through meaningful learning.
I do not believe in conscious reincarnation and there is no experimental evidence that it exists.
If I believe in reincarnation (not conscious) through the inheritance passed on to our children and from them to our grandchildren.
I also believe in another kind of non-conscious reincarnation, through the relevant creations and facts of our lives that positively affected our fellow men and that through their memory, we live within them, in their mentality and their consciousness.
Texts or other scientific, artistic, literary or technical writings or essays that have been disseminated verbally (lectures, lectures) or through publications in Books and Journals for their relevant content, both creative and innovative. Which can be read, criticized and discussed in the present, even though we were absent for having died long ago.
Jose Luis
Estimado Jerzy Zbigniew Achimowicz
Estoy de acuerdo con algunos comentarios anteriores que expresan que la única forma de heredar de nuestros ancestros algo de la consciencia y experiencias o conocimientos adquiridos durante su vida, es merced al conocimiento actual de la Epigenética:
La metilación de las proteínas que soportan la estructura del DNA de nuestros padres, indican la adaptación y aprendizaje de ellos, a las circunstancias y fenómenos ambientales, que los marcaron y que les permitió vivir o sobrevivir mediante aprendizajes significativos.
No creo en la reencarnación consciente y tampoco hay evidencias experimentales de que ello exista.
Si creo en la reencarnación (no consciente) por medio de la herencia transmitida a nuestros hijos y de ellos a nuestros nietos.
También creo en otro tipo de reencarnación no consciente, mediante las creaciones y hechos relevantes de nuestra vida que afectaron en forma positiva a nuestros semejantes y que por medio de su recuerdo, vivimos dentro de ellos, en su mentalidad y su consciencia.
Los textos u otro tipo de escritos o ensayos científicos, artísticos, literarios o técnicos, que por su contenido relevante, tanto creativo como innovador, se hayan difundido verbalmente (clases, conferencias) o por medio de publicaciones en libros y revistas. Los cuales se pueden leer, criticar y discutir en el presente, aún estando nosotros ausentes por haber muerto hace tiempo.
No. There's no evidence for what you're discussing. More than 350,000 people are born every day, and if such things as you're discussing existed, there'd surely be evidence that some of those newborn infants had some kind of conscious knowledge without needing to learn it -- e.g., a child born in China who could speak Japanese, without being exposed to it. You seem to be positing a kind of Lamarckian inheritance of acquired characteristics, or in this case, acquired knowledge. Do you really think that the more you study physics, the better your children and grandchildren will be at physics, simply because they inherit your DNA? There's no evidence for that. Certainly, we inherit a range of reflexes, instinct, capacities, and even emotions. This can be explained based on natural selection, and to some extent, accounted for by molecular genetics. We humans inherit the ability to learn language -- however we don't inherit conscious knowledge of any particular existing (or ancient) languages. In a way, certain kinds of knowledge may be passed down from previous generations -- for example, fear of heights or reactions to certain kinds of predators -- this can be explained through natural selection. But there's no evidence of inheritance of the kinds of things you're talking about (e.g., knowledge of science). To say that "the total number of souls is constant," and try to justify that statement with reference to conservation laws in physics, makes no sense. Those laws say that (for example) energy is conserved BUT can be transformed. So whatever energy may be associated with conscious activity could be transformed (for example) into thermal energy. You seem to be starting with a conclusion that you want to justify (reincarnation) and then to be searching around for anything that might support such a conclusion. That's not how science is supposed to work. If anything, you should be looking to see if there is any evidence to falsify your conclusion, and the theories associated with your conclusion. You are free to have whatever faith you want about life after death. But pretending that science supports that faith is a completely different matter, and really not acceptable.
I totally disagree. Of course the falsification approach is strong but does not give any clues. If I can not falsify my hypothesis what does it mean from the logic point of view. Is it true or not ?. Or I had just was not lucky in falsification ?. Wy scientist are so afraid to deal with the problem of soul ?. Its not the fear of death which drives my interest ?. Just curiosity
The conservation of number of souls is a problem for you ? Lets just assume that moust of the neborns are soulless, just biological robots waiting for the soul to incarnate ?
Science is backing up from the study of so holistic or alternative medicine. Why ...???
Becouse the MDs are afraid of being treated as the sharlatans or pseudoscientist and loose their patients ... that is money???
I put up the question which is also subjected to experimental verification ?
If I proove that the soull is a quantum soiltary wave in 8 dimentions which lives forever in multiverso so what ?
Then you can try to repeat my experiment and in case you obtain cotradictory results we can discussed it ?.
I am not a theorethisian I just think about verifying the possibility of intersubject EEG coherence during appreciation (see Heartmath Institute papers) and in case i would find it I will do one step more. If I can induce decoherence by setting on static magnetic field over the brain of one of the subjects (having field strengt lets say twice that of the Earth magnetic field) I will say of theis effect may be quantum one.
If so if the brain is a seat of macroscopic manifestation of quantum interactions on DNA level like in case of superconductivity that it opens new field ofresearch. And the major question then will be ..:
"Is it possible that quantum type oscilations are the basis of the phenomenon of life" and so on ???
Even the supramolecular biology e.g. the mechanisms of enzymatic catalisis are not well understood ?. Even the DNA differences between cellural and mitochondrial processes are not well understood ?
Is the DNA a quantum computer ????
Just tell me how we will solve this problems as moust of he scientist base their carrier on going deeeper and deeper in their research relevant to their specialization ??
A friend of mine is studing for 40 year the same class of inorganic crystals and discovered some clues how to develope new interatomic forces of collective type basing on photonic, phononic and excitonic interactions ?
Can he be an expert on comparative neurobiology as prof Theodore Bullock from UCSD ?
No way.... so the lack of universal language in mathematics, physics, chemistry, bilology, medicine makes the interdisciplinary research so hard to do ??
These are my afterfoughts after you feedback on my question .
1. Molecular genetics pass on to new generations that "ability to learn" in an exponential manner. This has not yet been proven with any scientific empirical studies that I can find but I believe it is only a manner of time before it is. Human beings, in a macro viewpoint, are born smarter and smarter i.e. with greater mental processing ability. To me, that explains the exponential surge of scientific achievements and the organization of people into civilized societies. On an anecdotal basis, I just have to watch a 10-year-old relative navigate his smart phone like a NASA astronaut to know he has more advanced mental ability than I had at his age.
2. We must address the contradictory fact that History contains many child prodigies. Mozart composed his first work at age 5. Was he a genetic mutant born with a surplus ability to comprehend music? Or was there something else at play? Some would say acquired knowledge from the past, but research into his ancestry does not reveal any accumulation of such great musical ability. So there is no verifiable proof for or against what could be called reincarnated abilities.
Personally, I am highly intrigued by, as you put it, the possibility "quantum type oscillations are the basis of the phenomenon of life."
Looking at that idea through a metaphysical prism, I would have no trouble believing that God is not an entity but a Force (ask George Lucas?). For our limited mental capacities to understand that force, we can say it has materialized the universe through vibrations, at the "quantum" level. Perhaps some ancient people understood that when they referred to God as "The Word" i.e. an invisible vibration.
Carroll's suggestions seem to take us back to Shrodinger's Cat analogical thought experiment. There is no way to know with absolute certainty if the cat is alive or dead until the container is opened because reality for humans is only what we can perceive with our senses. Our experiments are just an extension of our senses.
Equally it must be impossible to observe theoretical oscillations at the Quantum level until after they have occurred. So we might be able to contemplate the passing of the soul but doubtfully its existence in real time. Did CERN'S atom collider perceive the actual so-called God Particle or just impressions of its passing..?
To consider your questions, it is worth to understand how the brain creates consciousness.
This is described in detail in the book "Awareness? But it is very simple!" . (Świadomość? Ależ to bardzo proste!). You will find that although the world is quantum, many phenomena can be described at the classical level. This also applies to consciousness. Use your knowledge of the Polish language and we will come back to the discussion when you become familiar with the complete mind model.
(see the link: https://www.ibuk.pl/fiszka/196018/swiadomosc-alez-to-bardzo-proste.html)