lumps formation is a problem we faced in our OPC cement silo so is there any special types of cement silo inner coating used to prevent lumps formation inside the silo?
Smooth epoxy coating will prevent accumulation of layers of cement particles on walls of silo. Temperature and Relative Humidity will also affect formation of lumps.
Dear Kawthar, usually lumps appear when water condense touch cement powder grains . You need to avoid or reduce this condense formation . I’ve tested geopolymer coating that permits air passing blocking on its surface condense (very little bubbles or completely dried), because water is high dimension molecule.
When you will put inside OPC it will remain more dry and at worst lumps will be very little and you will safe almost totally your raw material.
Systems that block air passing will increase your problem if you don’t use correct ventilation, but this procedure could be difficult to do after cement filling inside silo.
Of course I suggest you to use potassium based geopolymer coating or at least to use metakaolin as powder precursor to reduce ions migration even if you have to use sodium silicate. Don’t use user Hostile molar ratio in your silicate, so salts will remain low and no efflorescence will be created .