Hello? I'm analyzing the photolysis products of organic molecule through LC-MS. Recently, we were able to obtain stable LC-MS results and are currently trying to obtain quantitative information.
The initial molecule is A---DMA (A and DMA are linked by polymethylene.
The identified products are A---MMA, A---MFA, and A---aniline.
When looking at molecular structures, it is thought that protonation occurs in DMA, MMA, MFA, and aniline (in Not A and polymethylene)
Is there a way to determine the quantitative analysis or relative amounts of the initial and the three identified molecules?
It would be difficult to separate and refine or synthesize each molecule directly considering the cost of time and money.
Currently, we aim to obtain relative quantitative information of each material through the relative ionization efficiency of DMA, MMA, MFA, and aniline
(for example, REI of A---DMA is derived from REI of DMA ).
However I know that this method is very crude approximation.
I wonder if there is a better way.
Another way that I am considering is computational prediction of REI following reference paper. ( https://doi.org/10.1021/ac902856t )
Thank you for reading and have a nice day.