Seed of same variety when grown in conventional system with chemical fertilisers, it( seed) may not get all the nutrients in its natural requirement while in organic system through compost it may get balanced nutrition. Combination of chemical fertilisers and high irrigation, force  early maturing in crop while in organic system it takes own time and that may developed some good characters in seed. Pesticides application suppress the development of pest/disease resistance in seed while in organic system seed get full chance to develop this character. Therefore, in organic system because of getting natural environment for development seed may perform better in any biotic or abiotic stress while it may need chemicals to fight these stresses if grown in chemical environment. Therefore, organically grown seed may be more vigorous  and less prone to abiotic (water and temperature) and biotic( pest and diseases). Good naturally developed seed may increase the chances of success of organic system. Can  ORGANIC SEED be an acceptable  term? Please share your views & experiences.   

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