Is there any basis way to calculate when identically prepared and measured particles will exhibit a form anti-correlation due to maximal entanglement. By this I mean an anti-correlation; i need to more specific, by this I mean that the probability of spin up across the two or more particles always equals the frequency of that attribute like in a singlet state of spin 1/2 particles prepared in y measured in x. So that one always knows of the less probable outcomes, that the other measurements have give the opposite outcome when there are three particles with probability 1/3 spin up 2/3 spin down; and in the case of larger dimensions of hilbert space, this could be just a perfect anti-correlation, as all there are three distinct state (so that for any state one particle is in), the other two will be in orthogonal states which are orthogonal to each others.

when (A) there are three particles with the probabilities for spin up but this probability is 1/3

(B) When there three or so spin-1 particles where there three eigenstates are equi-probable, ie 1/3

Am i correct that it has something to with the number of particles, for example when the probability is 1/3 for spin up x is 1

Likewise with perfect correlation; has this do with preparing the particles in the opposite state (prepared in the same dimension but one is prepared in spin up x and the other spin y x).

3. Am i correct also in presuming that bells original case of two particle entangled (sayspin 1/2 case), only shows probabilistic violations of bells inequality  because when the correlations are only probabilistic  this is precisely when the dimensions are greater then 3 of the entangled system(probabilistic correlations). And it appears that most of non-classicity of quantum mechanics occurs when dimensions>3. Dimensions >three being possible only when. This being only possible when there is a probabilistic correlation not a strict anti or positive correlation, when one of the two outcomes at least is compatible with both of the outcome of the pair in the entangled state.?

For example by this I mean, is it the case

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