Dear researchers 

I'm trying to simulate the maximum-minimum eigenvalue (MME) detector via MATLAB;

L=4; % consecutive samples

y=randn(1,L); % Input signal

r = xcorr(y); % Auto-correlation of y

N=length(r); % number of available samples

R=toeplitz(r); % sample covariance matrix


MX=max(abs(EG)); %Maximum Eigenvalue

MN=min(abs(EG));  % Minimum Eigenvalue

TH=((sqrt(N)+sqrt(L))/(sqrt(N)-sqrt(L)))^2*(1+((sqrt(N)+sqrt(L))^-2/3/(N*L)^1/6)*0.45);  % Threshold

Ratio=MX/MN; % Maximum-Minimum Eigenvalue ratio

Now, this "Ratio" will be compared to threshold "TH" to decide the occupancy of a given channel.

Is that the right way to implement the MME using MATLAB? 

Best regards 


[1] Hamid, M.; Bjorsell, N.; Slimane, B., "Energy and Eigenvalue-Based Combined Fully-Blind Self-Adapted Spectrum Sensing Algorithm," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1

[2] Omar, M.H.; Hassan, S.; Nor, S.A., "Eigenvalue-based signal detectors performance comparison," Communications (APCC), 2011 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 2-5 Oct. 2011

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