14 Questions 176 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ahmad Bazzi
Hello Machine Learning community,So, i've been witnessing the evolution of this domain. Other than that, it seems really fun and intuitive. I have some expertise in statistics, signal processing,...
05 May 2017 4,237 3 View
Hi all, I would like to use the Intel 5300 Wi-Fi card to test some algorithms using my own antennas. Does anyone know a reference or tutorial that shows how to do so ? Any link would be highly...
08 August 2016 8,967 2 View
Hi everyone, Let A be a full rank square matrix (A has no null space). When does y^T A x = 0 occur ? (where T is transposition). It could be that this problem is case-specific, so please find...
02 February 2016 6,304 10 View
Dear all, Assume we have the following vector linear model: x = Hs + n where x is the received vector, H is a full column rank matrix and s is the vector of signals. The noise is n.Why do some...
11 November 2015 2,789 34 View
Dear All, Let A be an MxN matrix. What is a kruskal rank of A ? And what is the relation between kruskal rank of A and the rank of A ? Thank you so much.
10 October 2015 7,196 3 View
Dear all, Let A and B be matrices of size NxN.Let x be a vector of size Nx1. We all know that the function f(x) = xHAx/ xHBx attains its maximum when x is chosen to be the generalised eigenvector...
08 August 2015 9,580 11 View
Dear all, Is there any reference for starters on compressed sensing ? Thank you in advance.
07 July 2015 6,901 4 View
Dear All, Assume the following system of equations: Ax = b where b is the vector of data of size Nx1, x is the vector of unknown of size Nx1 and A is the matrix of coefficients of size NxN. The...
07 July 2015 1,077 8 View
Are there any other fitting models like MDL (Minimum Description Length) and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC)? Thank you in advance, Ahmad
06 June 2015 7,495 12 View
Dear All, I am aware of the following: - Errors of antenna positions.- Outer noise, such as metal. The above directly perturb the steering vector.Thank you, Ahmad
06 June 2015 7,817 6 View
Dear All, Assume i have an array of uniform linear antenna array of 3 antennas, distance uncertainties and other imperfections might perturb the steering vector away from the true one. Thus, DoA...
05 May 2015 8,300 3 View
Dear all,I am new to this Ray tracing simulations and I really need to use it to simulate a certain environment to study electromagnetic characteristics at some receive antenna array. Free...
02 February 2015 9,443 2 View
The Hadamard product or pairwise product of two matrices denoted hereby by "o" C = A o B. Let Lambda(A) be the set of all eigenvalues of matrix A. I am aware of inequalities relating Lambda(A),...
02 February 2015 9,499 19 View
We all know that the Correlation matrix is : Rxx = E{x.x^H} where E{} denotes expectation and H is the hermitian operator.In practice, and in most cases, the E{} is replaced by the sample average....
01 January 2015 5,162 8 View