If your assay doesn't interfere with agar, you can mix E.coli cells in agar (1.5% w/v) medium when it is ~@45C and add the agar to the wells then let it solidify this way the cells get immobilized.
Hi, what kind of assay? There are several protocols and conditions to immobilize bacteria to 96 well plates. If you want to perform a Whole cell Elisa technique, maybe you can try using the protocol refered in the attached article. Briefly consist in washing the cells with coatting buffer 7.4, suspended to a final OD578 of 0.5. A and a o/n at 37C. Nevertheless that not ensures that all the cells will be intact. We used a similar protocol for neisseria. If you need the bacteria alive for some hours, maybe you can try the Thavasi Renga Thavasi suggestion. You can look for a bactericidal assay conditions against the meningococcus.