I would like to know what are the variables that influence unlearning as well as relearning in the organizations at individual, team and organizational level.
I did a research related to learning organisations in singapore and designed a model based on change management theories to enhance the outcomes of the change initiatives. You will able to find variables related to your topic if try to read more about organisational change management
there are different multi-level models for organizational learning, e.g. Crossan, Lane and White's 4i framework. I have also - building on this framework - constructed a multilevel framework that includes a knowledge creation perspective:
Article Exploring knowledge creation processes as a source of organi...
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Learning is intimate part of the elaboration of a system—indeed, it is almost synonymous with it. However, in discovering what must change, which often means we must unlearn, the greatest difficulties are often found in (or at least associated with) the earlier structures and patterns of learning. Consciously reading, assessing, and unlearning these become fundamental.
And so, unlearning may be the real challenge of learning (then relearning). Unpretentiously, unlearning can be characterized as the process of letting go of what is known, with openness and freshness of mind, to create fresh space for new learning to take root. And so, unlearning must perforce connect to habits one has carried for many years.
Ultimately, one may have to concede that it is not policies, strategies, processes, tools, methods, and approaches that define the core and quality of what we now practice but the past, present, and future, and the openness, judgment, intuition, creativity, integrity, and strength that one can muster to face these that do, these being (a few of) the variables this question refers to. In large bureaucratic organizations, unlearning also involves risk: therefore, it requires psychological safety and the trust on which that rests (and both may be in short supply).
Il me semble que la première étape (sans laquelle aucune progression n'est envisageable), passe par une action citoyenne de grande envergure, action portée au plan politique, afin que les choix techniques fondamentaux trouvent place dans le débat public, en amont des choix de chaque Etat.
Le cadre le plus approprié me semble être le plan NATIONAL, car les systèmes techniques, même les plus "mondialisés" conservent toujours des spécificités nationales : ils intégrent et reproduisent, en très longue durée, des spécifictés culturelles et sociétales de chaque Etat-Nation.