I am interested in NB-IoT technology, I looking for a model of NB-IoT based on HTTP. Looking for a link for the simulation of sensors connecting to a database and users accessing it from a web browser on HTTP
Many NB-IoT simulation models are available for HTTP as the application layer protocol. One such model is the one developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).
The OMA Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LwM2M) protocol is a device management protocol designed for IoT devices and uses the CoAP protocol as the transport layer. However, it can also use HTTP/HTTPS as the transport layer. The LwM2M protocol supports various data formats, including JSON and TLV, and provides a standard way to manage IoT devices.
You can find more information about the OMA LwM2M protocol and its implementation using HTTP/HTTPS on their website: https://openmobilealliance.org/iot-m2m/iot-standards/.
As for a simulation model for NB-IoT using HTTP, you can check out the following GitHub repository: https://github.com/itd-ndsl/nbiot-simulator. This simulator is a Python-based implementation of an NB-IoT network that uses HTTP as the application layer protocol. The simulator includes support for various sensors, such as temperature sensors and humidity sensors, and simulates their connection to a database. Users can access the data from the sensors through a web browser using HTTP.