Certainly groundwater is related to salinity of soil, but it depends on two factors:
The critical depth of groundwater
Critical salinity of groundwater
Some criteria have been used to assess the role of groundwater in soil salinity, including:
The extent and contribution of groundwater to soil salination depends on its depth or beyond the surface of the soil.
Water away from the surface of the soil does not contribute much to the salinization of the soil, while groundwater near the soil surface contributes effectively to salinization
The depth (the dimension) on which groundwater begins to contribute to the process of salinization in critical depth, through the rise of water to the surface of the soil with the property of poetry.
The contribution of groundwater to the saline process also depends on the amount and quality of the salts in the ground water.
Where the depth of groundwater is similar, the extent of its contribution to the salinization process increases with its salinity.
Kovda proposed a criterion for this relationship called the critical salinity of groundwater, which is known as the level of groundwater salinity, after which groundwater begins to contribute effectively to salinization.
There is strong linear relation between groundwater rise(shallow groundwater) and soil salinization(soil degradation), especially in hot climate with capillary action.
Certainly groundwater is related to salinity of soil, but it depends on two factors:
The critical depth of groundwater
Critical salinity of groundwater
Some criteria have been used to assess the role of groundwater in soil salinity, including:
The extent and contribution of groundwater to soil salination depends on its depth or beyond the surface of the soil.
Water away from the surface of the soil does not contribute much to the salinization of the soil, while groundwater near the soil surface contributes effectively to salinization
The depth (the dimension) on which groundwater begins to contribute to the process of salinization in critical depth, through the rise of water to the surface of the soil with the property of poetry.
The contribution of groundwater to the saline process also depends on the amount and quality of the salts in the ground water.
Where the depth of groundwater is similar, the extent of its contribution to the salinization process increases with its salinity.
Kovda proposed a criterion for this relationship called the critical salinity of groundwater, which is known as the level of groundwater salinity, after which groundwater begins to contribute effectively to salinization.
Of course there is a strong relationship between shallow groundwater level and soil salinization especially in arid regions that needed for supplemental irrigation,with bad leaching systems.
Salinization with level field exhibit the equal pattern of salt deposition into a piece of land, while uneven or unleveled field tend the pattern in two ways; first deposit high bench of salts into shallow land by accumulation of more water, secondly drag the raise surface salt towards shallow land. Bereft of physical and chemical properties, you should go towards EC, SAR, RSE properties in object to unveil degradation. Type of salts causing saline condition may also affect...