Protein Purification Techniques:

Hi, I tried to purify Ig light chains (LC) from MM or AL patients' urine with slight proteinuria, that means there is still albumin in there, messing up my experiment. I tried virtually everything by now, dialysis and SEC do not work, the MW is too similar, old style fractionated precipitation, also nope. Special chromatographic media to deplete albumin? That all has a to low binding capacity. Antibody-Affinitychromatography specific for the LC? Also useless, the Albumin sticks so strong to the LC that it comes down from the column in the end. I also talked to a GE biochromatography expert, but she had not much to add to my attempts. I don't know if the Albumin binds via Disulfid-bridges to the LC, that would be horrible, because as soon as the LC is reduced from dimers to monomers it starts aggregation as hell. I would be thankful for every method that worked or even didn't work by now.

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