Yes, of course! FT is continuous in time and frequency, while DFT is discrete in time as well as in frequency. DFT is only an approximation.
If you want a good approximation, you'll have to use a high sampling rate for the discretization and you'll have to use a large number of samples, i.e. a large number of frequencies for which you calculate the DFT.
FFT is an effective Way of calculating the DFT, so the principle is the same.
A Discrete Fourier Transform is simply the Fourier Transform when it is applied to discrete rather than a continuous signal. An Fast Fourier Transform is a faster version of the DFT that can be applied when the number of samples in the signal is a power of two. An FFT computation takes approximately N * log2(N) operations, whereas a DFT takes approximately N^2 operations, so the FFT is significantly faster.
The DFT (FFT just a fast implementation) operates on signals in the digital time domain. The Fourier Transform (FT) operates on functions in the time continuous domain. In order for there to be computability between the time digital and the time continuous time the time continuous has to be band limited (FT identically zero for frequencies above a given frequency Omega (Hz)) and the continuous wave form sampled at a rate at least 2*Omega samples per second.
In this case the Fourier Transform is realized as a periodic function and the DFT turns out to be a sampled version of the FT over a finite time set of samples. However, the DFT is based on a finite number of samples while the FT is calculated using all samples. Under certain conditions (ergodic or second order stationary stochastic process) the DFT - if it is large enough will approximate the FT. The example given earlier - Gaussian wave form - the above doesn't apply since the Gaussian waveform is not band limited.
See, Kay, "Modern Spectral Estimation Theory and Applications," Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-598582-X
Well, addition to my previous note: The Fourier tansform (Fourier integral) can be approximated through the DFT. The special mispacement of sampel points is necessary. Every colleague, who thinks, that these are "almost the same" should consider at least one example, I suggest the self-Fourier function f(x)=exp(-x^2/2), and calculate the DFT of it, and compare to the Fourier transform of it.