Is it possible, or plausible, that the discrepancy between the mathematical equations Newton used to support his statements about gravitational pull and the mathematical equations Einstein used to support his Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity is a reflection, not of a "margin of error" caused by advances in scientific research between Newton's times and Einstein's times, but, instead, may be attributed to virtually imperceptible, but actual, changes in the solar system itself? For instance, the sun itself is different today than it was when Newton was alive, a fact which may be supported by evidence (data gathered by specialist scientists in planetary science, physics, and chemistry) which irrefutably demonstrates that, today, all of the planets in our solar system exhibit uniformly a slight increase in temperature, which is caused by the current cooling of the sun's outer shell, and concomitantly, the current rise in the temperature of our sun's subsurface shell.

Discussion topic submitted on Friday, December 13, 2019, by Nancy Ann Watanabe

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