In order to understand the nature of motion, it is first necessary to confront yet another fallacious concept in physics called continuity (infinite divisibility). It is a concept that scientists, especially mathematicians, hopelessly cling to in spite of its being blatantly illogical.

This belief has led to the introduction of the theory of general relativity which postulates a geometric solution to the phenomenon of gravity and introduced such harmful concepts as the existence of a space-time continuum (note 1) and the curvature of said space-time.

Truth is, continuity is wrong simply because it leads to an infinite regress. Nature is discrete and, as a result, particles move in discrete steps, i.e., their positions change from one discrete value to another. Discreteness means that there exist only discrete positional properties and that things like lines, circles, curves, surfaces, angles, etc... are all abstract concepts. The old debate between Euclidian and non-Euclidian geometries about whether or not parallel lines meet becomes immediately pointless (not to mention stupid) since both wrongly assume the existence of lines and other continuous structures.

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