01 January 1970 22 7K Report

The Declaration is found at https://gbdeclaration.org/,

The website has a helpful FAQ.

The John Snow Memorandum, published in The Lancet takes a somewhat contrary position.

What's right and what's wrong about the Declaration?

Is implementation more important than principle in assessing the Declaration?

Is the importance of the Declaration not as much in what it says, but in making the point that different pandemic tactics and strategies should be canvassed?

If pandemics are so threatening to survival of the human species, why are we having this debate only now, after the pandemic? Isn't the absence of a policy debate on how to respond to a pandemic, pro and con a Barrington Declaration approach, itself a failure of governments around the world?

I am agnostic on whether the Declaration is correct. But can we say that public health policy addressing a pandemic should not default to lockdown without considering the possibility of more effective responses?

Should the goal be, by debate, to seek better responses, not a single best response?

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