One of the critiques for systems theory of aeston is its limitations in non western systems? Do you agree with this ? Is it applicable in authoriterians context or it needs supportive theories?
Jes, each country has its own specificity, its own limitations and problems, but researches do not use that diferrences in systems theory. My experience is that researches do not give maximum in solving problems, using more creativity. In my country, best western authority have gave bed solutions from that reason.
From the perspective of system theory a system is always contextual and locally embedded. System theory decribes systemic-dynamic processes of selforganized systems. System theory is based on natural sciences and applied in social sciences. It is a theory of epistemology. Its limit is set by human beings. Because human beings are limited and they are the observers of a system or subsystems. It is applicable for politics in developing countries. What do you want to explore? On micro or macro level? The process of synlogisation between the subsystems? or.... most important because of the attractor in system theory, who should serve the results?
thanks Astrid Frischknecht for your contribution, i totally agree with you. systems theory, based on Easton's model and the following developed approaches is fixable to be applied on several context on macro level not on micro researches. but the dynamics and interactions inside the political system need more supportive theories to concern specialties and functions.