With USSR dismantling into fragments at the instance of Gorbachev, the communist Frankenstein, socialism made an exit. This was sponsored by capitalist USA who busted the socialist USSR in the name of holy democracy, and the USA found a Trojan horse in Gorbachev whose doctrine of glasnost and perestroika found an easy market. As an aftermath, Yugoslavia, Chekoslovia, Poland and East Germany rejected socialism for the sake of market economy. By all indications, the countries do not enjoy today the glory that they did. The economic equilibrium is lost, and poverty has crept in. These countries lag behind in scientific researches and simply doze in Un sessions. The world is unipolar with the USA dictating terms for the whole mankind. Communist China is an exception, but the country has also embraced market economy, though with social control. In this context, can we suppose that socialism is extinct forever?