Does anybody know if Robin Giles is contact-able or is still active in research. By Robin Giles I mean the physicist who developed the Giles games dia-logial/game theoretical semantics and the novel -non classical approach to probability involving assertion, yes-no experiments and perhaps the liar paradox. Ie the author of the papers below?

In particular I am wondering whether he held to some kind of modal-perspectival (strongly contextual interpretation, where the way in which you measure say x component of spin, alters or can change the outcome- ie by detecting for up, 'asking is it spin up' and it it clicks, of you get no, you infer spin down, versus measuring directing for spin down, asking 'is it spin down' by having a detector along the down channel, where if it does not click, 'ie no' one infers that it is spin up

Likewise did Piron ever suggest this kind of question dependent, perpectival contextuality and is what is often meant by strong contextuality of independent state contextuality, or as redhead calls it ontological contextuality(redhead 1983) which is supposed to be a stronger notion that either algebraic contextuality (as shimony and other calls it) or environmental contextuality?

Stachow ("in alternative logics; do we need them") depicts an experiment where one can measure the same experiment along different channels by having a detector in the 'up channel', thus creating an experiment that gives yes, if spin up, and no, if spin down, or by having the detector in the down channel, giving yes if spin down (ie it clicks) otherwise it does not.

Is this what is tested for  when beam splits, mach zehdner devices are used, when a singular particle can be split into an entangled set of photons, the two particular possible anti-correlations; 'particle on the rhs giving a detection and lhs not', particle on lhs being detected, rhd not' (forgive me if i do not have it exactly right as I cannot quite remember and qm is not my expertise) reflect the original particle being in spin up spin up and spin down respectively (in some direction component of the particles angular measurement that would which the apparatus's setting would changed to meet).

I presume, the coincidence count should be zero otherwise indicating that somehow the particle could be both spin up and spin down in some sense?

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